Monday, November 18, 2013


When ever someone mentions the name Wal-Mart most people associates it with low prices and affordable goods. Although this big business corporation may be customer friendly, they treat their employees terrible. While reading a chapter in Nickled and Dimed by Barbra Ehnreneich she told what is was like to work for Wal-mart. They do not care for their employee's as a business should. Employees are looked at as replaceable and not an asset to the company. The workers were basically robots when they were working. Ehnreneich and her fellow employees are considered "time thieves" if they talk to each other during shifts.In a work place environment you expect people to talk so they can complete their work more efficiently .Ehrenreich felt like she was neglected as a worker. She did not enjoy working for Wal-Mart due to the low wages, long hours, and feeling like she had to be a robot at work. But who in there right mind would want to work for a company that locked their employee's in one of their many establishments? I know I would not want to work for them. When someone hires me I want to be treated like a human and get payed a decent salary that will provide for me and family.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree! Wal-Mart definitely needs to take some classes on how to treat their workers fairly and more importantly respectfully. I think a union would do wonders for the company and for the business overall if they would just give it a chance. But the more and more I read about them, it does not seem like that will ever become a possibility and unfortunately, they are going to continue to get away with what they are doing.
